Institutional Client Services

At Bankd, we understand the unique financial needs of funds and trusts.

Our partner offers a full custodian service, backed by Part IV permissions from the FCA, providing complete client money permissions and the highest level of fund protection.

Comprehensive Solutions

Bankd breaks away from conventional offerings bringing to the table an all in one institutional treasury solution.

Our suite of products for institutional clients includes a centralized treasury platform for FX and payment processing, enhancing financial efficiency and flexibility.

Secure Custody

We provide cash custody, payment processing, compliance, investor due diligence, and safeguarding of clients' funds.

Our hedging solutions offer active and passive options to manage investment performance, giving you control over hedge ratios and FX exposure to navigate market risks and volatility.

Transparency and Clarity

We believe in transparent terms. All commercial agreements are put in writing before engagement to ensure clarity and avoid hidden costs or mid-relationship changes.

Our platform offers real-time reporting on P&L and trade positions, providing full clarity and transparency for both investment managers and investors.

Tailored Institutional Offerings

For more information about our custodian services and how we can create a customised institutional solution for your investment, please contact our team.

Initial contact includes a no-obligation pricing review of your current service offering.

Get In Touch

Your financial goals are important to us, and we’re here to assist you every step of the way – Reach out and connect with our experienced team today.